Clomid 50 Odin Pharma


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TTC after a course of steroids – Clomid

The rollback phenomenon is a concept that is well known not only to every professional bodybuilder. This phenomenon can befall any athlete after taking any anabolic steroid course. Often the setback of the gained muscle cannot be avoided, it is provided by the specifics of the drugs themselves. But it is up to the athlete whether the partial loss of gained results will be expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

TCT, PCT, PCT or recovery therapy means a whole set of measures, including the use of means, the effect of which is aimed at normalising the body’s production of so-called own testosterone.

Dosages of Clomid, produced in oral form of 50 mg, are calculated in this way:

  • If the course was very heavy, you need to take 150 mg for 3 days, 100 mg for 12 days, halved for 15 days, and another 25 mg for 15 days.
  • If the course was a severe steroid course take 100 mg for 15 days, 50 mg for 15 days, and 25 mg for 15 days.
  • If the course was of medium severity, use 50 mg for 1 month and 25 mg for 15 days.

After a course of mild steroids, the drug is taken in the amount of 50 mg 15 days, 25 mg 15 days, 25 mg for 2 weeks strictly once every couple of days.
If Methenol as well as Metandrostenolone, Oxandrolone, Stanozolol, Oral Turinabol were used in the course, it is advised to take Clomiphene in the dosage of 50 mg for 15 days, 25 mg for 15 days.

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


Formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg



Odin Pharma

volume de commande

Sachet (50 packs)


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